Local attractions

The publication "Traveling in Luhansk region. The story of our land, famous people, its flora and fauna "
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Kreminna Regional Museum of Local Lore
The museum is located in Kreminna, Luhansk region. Founded in 1966. It has about 9,000 exhibits - monuments and objects of history, archeology, science, ethnography and culture.
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Square near the Ivonin Park building (Severodonetsk)
The open city square near the Ivonin Park building (Severodonetsk) has many attractions: Mykhailo Ivonin notes: “The area around the building was closed, with a fence on all sides. But this is a beautiful place, and I had the idea to make an open city square here.
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St. Nicholas Church in the village of Tarasivka (Trinity district)
Services have been held in the St. Nicholas Church in the village of Tarasivka for 200 years and they have been praying to God for protection, harvest and good health.
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Trinity Historical and Local Lore Museum "Sources"
Trinity Historical and Local Lore Museum "Sources" of Luhansk region was established in 2016. The museum is proud of the ethnographic hall and the hall "Nature of the native land".
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Chipolino Monument
In the center of the village of Markivka, in the Kazka square, a monument to Chipolino has been erected as a symbol of the onion, for which the Markivka region has been famous since ancient times.
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"Authentic songs of the village Tsiluykove"
The history of songs of our region is closely connected with the origin of the village. The basis of the villagers, which was founded in the eighteenth century, were immigrants from different regions. The history of songs of our region is closely connected with the origin of the village. The basis of the villagers, ...
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Promotional curiosity with area symbols
Wooden figures of marmots and a crocodile of the Honored Master of Folk Art of Ukraine Oleksandr Romanenko (Grechyshkine village) were installed in the village of Novoaydar in Sosnovyi Park as part of the project “Creating a creative space for development and leisure in Sosnovyi Park”.
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Minicanyon near Lysychansk
One of the favorite places of locals in 2020 for photography and video shooting with unique landscapes.
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Riding school, Kreminna
Here you can go on forest walks on horseback, take riding lessons, do photo shoots on horseback.
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Fiesta Rope Park
In the city of Severodonetsk in "Mishkin Yar" the big rope park "Fiesta" which became a place of active rest of local inhabitants and visitors took place. It is an obstacle course fixed by ropes between spruces. And, getting on bars or ropes to each new tree, the difficulty of overcoming the loc ...
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Ethnographic complex "Slobozhanske yard of the end of the XIX century. - early twentieth century. "
The ethnographic complex is the only one of its kind in the Luhansk region, where unique exhibits are preserved and presented, which reveal not only the local features of the culture of the Novopskov district, but also popularize the folk traditions of Slobozhanshchina.
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On the outskirts of the city of Severodonetsk, among the majestic pines, the temple complex is very harmoniously located. Its history dates back to 1995, when the city's chief physician offered a plot of land for the church with the buildings of the former Borivska Hospital in Lisova Dacha.
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Eco-base "Lemon-banana" is an interest of Luhansk region
Recreation center "Lemon-Banana" is located in the village of Purdivka, in a quiet place surrounded by pine forest. The base offers family vacations, organization of weddings, birthdays, corporate parties, New Year's banquets.
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"Vorontsov Field"
A special monument of the Priaydar flora is the thin-leaved peony, popularly called "vorontsem". Voronets blooms in April and May, and grows in the steppe and on the steppe slopes in small glades. Due to its rarity, the flower is listed in the Red Book of Ukraine.
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Novopskovsky district museum of local lore of the Novopskovsky regional council of the Luhansk region
Field of activity: research, cultural and educational activities, acquisition of museum collections, exposition, stock, publishing, restoration, exhibition, monument protection work, as well as activities related to scientific attribution, examination, classification.
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Dmytro Horsky's Cave
At the foot of Pristina is a very rare historical monument - caves, the creation of which belongs to the period of settlement of our region, ie until about the middle of the seventeenth century. At that distant, turbulent time, these caves, apparently, served as a kind of shelter for the first settlers from the att ...
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Mighty Priestin
One of the strangest places in the Luhansk region is the hills on the right bank of the Aidar west of the village of Novopskov. Here, chalk deposits, which in the river valley reach a thickness of more than 300 meters, rise to the surface, forming steep hills, in some places are steep walls. It is no coincidence th ...
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Healing source "Salt"
Between Osinove and Novopskov, where Aidar overflows the plain and as if enchanted, stops its rapid run, admiring the beauty of the surrounding meadows and forests, the majesty of the limestone-chalk hills, on the left bank of the river is a source of healing mineral water.
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Tyshkivska Shrine is a wonderland of the Luhansk hinterland
The church of Saints Cyril and Methodius in the village of Tyshkivka, built in 1905, is a perfect example of the sacred architecture of the Ukrainian Art Nouveau period. The church is a vivid example of the combination of architectural styles of the Art Nouveau era in Ukraine.
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Church of the Ascension
In the border village of Prosyane in the Markiv region, there is an ancient Orthodox church built in 1781, which claims a place in the list of cultural heritage sites in need of state protection.
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Svativsky District National Museum of Local Lore
The Svativka Museum of Local Lore has a long history, the institution was founded in 1962. Initially, the museum operated on a voluntary basis. In 1969, the museum was moved to a new interesting historically attractive building and renamed the "Svativka District Museum of Local Lore".
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Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin in the village Aspens
In the village of Osinove, Novopskovskaya OTG, there is a unique monument of the XVIII century - the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin. This is a real decoration of the village, is the oldest monument in Novopskovskaya OTG and one of the oldest in the region. Built in 1802, on the right higher bank of ...
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Historical boiler
On September 28, 2018, a plaque depicting Fedor's father, a character from Ilf and Petrov's novel "12 Chairs", was installed at the Popasna railway station in the Luhansk region.
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Popasna District Museum of Local Lore
The Popasna District Museum of Local Lore has more than 13,000 items - archeological monuments, numismatics, documents, works of art and household items. The museum exposition consists of the following departments: "Origin of life on earth"; "Nature of the region"; "History of the edge of t ...
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Unity of Hearts Square
A new place has opened in Popasna, which in the future may become the highlight of the city and an interesting tourist attraction. On December 11, 2018, the long-awaited opening of the renewed public space "Unity of Hearts" took place.
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Khan's Pond Archaeological Site
One of the tourist "highlights" of the area is the archeological site "Khan's Pond". In the summer of 2013, the staff of the Archaeological Center "Heritage" of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University during a historical and local lore study found and localized in the ...
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Museum in the village of Smolyaninove, Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, peasant house
The village of Smolyaninovo, Novoaydar district, is famous for its talented, hard-working people. But that's not all. It is on the territory of the village, on the territory of the Smolyanin Museum that there are many historical attractions - Kamyany Baby, a peasant house and an artificial mound.
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Museum of the History of the Village Kolyadivka
In order to preserve the history of the village and its best traditions, to instill in the younger generation a love for the native land and its past, in 1968 a museum of the history of the village Kolyadivka was founded. In 1989, a separate building was allocated to the museum, in which a new exposition of the mus ...
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Novoaidar District Museum of Local Lore
Novoaidar District Museum of Local Lore preserves, researches and presents the cultural heritage of the ethnic composition of the population of Novoaidar region in the form of a unique, one-of-a-kind authentic collection of folk costumes of Novoaidar region kin. XIX - early XX century
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Amber temple in the village of Dmytrivka
The picturesque village of Dmytrivka has a long history. The Amber Temple is a unique object in the village.
The construction of the Amber Temple began in 2003 by Mykola Oleksandrovych Ishchenko, a resident of the village of Dmytrivka, who later became the rector of the Temple. The author - the architect of this t ...
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Riding school
Behind the Olympus Stadium, in the depths of the forest, there is a riding school, where children and adults have the opportunity to learn horseback riding and horse care in a picturesque corner. Visitors to the school are not only locals, but also children and adults from all over Luhansk region.
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Geological monument of nature "Lamb's foreheads"
Geological monument of nature "Lamb's foreheads" - a business card of the village. Novoaydar as the geographical center of Luhansk region. This natural monument is a chalk cliff up to 50 m high.
Sheep's foreheads are a type of rock, which in ancient times were "polished" by the movement ...
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Комунальна установа «Рубіжанський міський Центр туризму, краєзнавства, спорту та екскурсій учнівської молоді»
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Водоспад с. Риб'янцеве
Водоспад у с. Риб'янцеве Новопсковської громади - одне з привабливих туристичних місць Луганщини.
Через зламаний шлюз тут немає скиду води, вода піднялася до рівня дамби й ллється через край. Жителі Луганщини облюбували цю місцину для купання та відпочинку. Дехто з відпочивальників тут навіть лікуються водни ...
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Цікавинки Новоайдарщини - Баранячі Лоби, Айдарська тераса
Учасниця конкурсу "Луганщина очима молоді" Луцюк Вікторія з Новоайдара створила відео «Великі красоти маленького міста»
Короткий опис роботи - Думки про рідний край непомітно торкаються струн мого серця і нагадують до болю знайому мелодію — пісню дитинства. Вона у всіх різна, але ...
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Сватівський міський сквер відпочинку імені Германа Титова
Міський сквер ім. Г. Титова здавна вважається улюбленим місцем відпочинку сватівчан. Це одна з визначних пам'яток м. Сватове.
Вистачає всього 10 хвилин, щоб повністю обійти Сватівський міський сквер відпочинку імені Германа Титова.
Тут збирається молодь, бо є WI-FI, а сімейні пари приходять з дітьм ...
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Локація "Сонячна громада" (м. Рубіжне)
«Сонячна громада» – це позитивний приклад використання відновлювальної енергетики. Відтепер відвідувачі локації зможуть цікаво провести дозвілля, зарядити гаджети на лавочках із сонячними панелями, дізнатись більше про використання альтернативної енергетики.
Локація складається з:
2 паркових ...
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КЗ "Попаснянський краєзнавчий музей імені Семена Іофе"
КЗ "Попаснянський краєзнавчий музей імені Семена Іофе" був заснований на базі колишнього шкільно-заводського музею. Організатором і беззмінним керівником музею був ветеран Другої світової війни, «Відмінник народної освіти», «Почесний громадянин м.Попасна&ra ...
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