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For project developers
Information materials
Information materials
In a wide range of presented information materials, in which forms you will know the recommendations for preparing the project and submitting a grant application, as well as on the various platforms for the fun of grant competitions.

Information bulletin of current grant and competition programs. For the sake of quickness, the main change is divided into sectors beyond the direct help and the vicladeno in the logical end.

Dovidnik of permanent and cyclical contests. Permanent grant programs do not miss the deadlines for submitting applications for funding, take a look at the fact that it is necessary. Cyclical contests - grants programs, which are repeated through singing prompts for an hour - one or two times per rik

Information for grant writing
Convenient and useful resource for finding grant programs, which contains relevant links to web resources of platforms, institutions and organizations that provide international technical assistance

Algorithm for writing a grant application
This information material has been prepared especially for the competent writing of a grant application. Properly set goals and objectives, calculated resources, planned budget, clearly specified ultimate goal - the main parameters for satisfying the application by the donor organization.

Recommendations for participation in grant programs
The developed methodological recommendations characterize the main stages of writing a grant application and provide recommendations for its formation taking into account the requirements of grant-making institutions and organizations, which is a very important issue today.

одання заяви про завдані збитки до міжнародного Реєстру збитків для України: практичні поради постраждалим
У відповідь на російську агресію створено Реєстр збитків, завданих агресією Російської Федерації проти України (RD4U), що є першою складовою майбутнього міжнародного компенсаційного механізму, для документування та систематизації інформації про збитки, завдані Україні, її громадянам та юридичним особам. Реєстр уже функціонує: затверджуються нові правила подання заяв та відкриваються нові категорії для заявників. Цей порадник, розроблений на основі офіційних документів Реєстру, розміщених на його веб-сайті (https://rd4u.coe.int/uk/documents), покликаний допомогти постраждалому отримати чітку та стислу інформацію щодо можливості подання ним відповідної заяви та про кроки, які потрібно зробити
Instructions for registration of the organization in international identification systems
- Obtaining a participant identification number (PIC) and appointing an official representative of the organization (LEAR - Legal Entity Appointed Representative)
- Company registration in the catalog Dun & Bradstreet Europe (D&B) - obtaining identification number of D-U-N-S
- Obtaining a code in the NATO Commercial and Government Accounting System (NCAGE)
- Registration with the US Government Grant / Contract Management System (SAM)
Information sources of grantwriting
Portals of Ukrainian non-governmental organizations:
Training, internship:
The Department of International Technical Assistance, Innovative Development and External Relations of the Luhansk Regional State Administration prepares a monthly newsletter "Grants. Competitions. Opportunities" and posting it on the official Facebook page.
Foreign fundraising resources:
Catalog of donors, which has been maintained since 1995
The world's leading provider of fundraising information to NGOs
European Foundation Center is an international association of public and corporate donors
International portal for non-profit organizations
European Commission grant proposals from the European Union
European Union grants, European funding programs and project preparation methodology are presented
Official sites of donor organizations:
International Finance Corporation (IFC) and others
Crowdfunding platforms:
Crowdfunding, translated into Ukrainian, "Community Financing" is a method of finding money, which involves obtaining the required amount from a mass impersonal audience.
KICKSTARTER is the most popular resource in the world for financing various creative projects
INDIEGOGO is a global platform for raising funds for charity, starting a business, implementing an idea
RocketHub - a resource for fundraising for socially important and social purposes, projects related to science, art, business
BIGGGGIDEA is a Ukrainian platform for the implementation of social development projects, initiatives of active citizens
NA-STARTE - Ukrainian platform for financing startups, commercial and social projects, business ideas