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Project proposals of communities
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Belovodsk settlement territorial community
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Creation of the Center for Providing Social, Administrative, and Counseling Services
Ensuring the availability and improving the quality of social, administrative, and counseling services by creating a single information space that will help improve the interaction between local authorities and the community
Creation of “Rodynnyi Dim”, a gender equality and anti-violence center at the Horodische Rural Outpatient Clinic
Creation of the center “Rodynnyi Dim”, which activities are aimed at the realization of equal rights and opportunities for women, men, and children by ensuring gender equality in all spheres of social life, the implementation of social and educational programmes and courses, and providing social services (information, counseling, provision of short-term and long-term safe place for 24-hour or temporary stay at the Horodische Rural Outpatient Clinic) to victims of domestic violence and/or gender-based violence, as well as single elderly people
Creation of the Urban Park on the territory of the Bilovodsk District Park of Culture and Recreation
Meeting the needs of the residents of the Bilovodsk TC for street sports (skateboards, rollerblades, and BMX) and active recreation by creating an Urban Park, i.e. a sports and entertainment location.
Creating a climbing wall at the KU “Bilovodsk DIuSSh” in the town of Bilovodsk, taking into account the needs of people with disabilities
Meeting the needs of children and youth of the community in Olympic sports, such as climbing, and improving their sports training and participation in competitions, taking into account the needs of persons with disabilities
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Restoration of the salts therapy room as an effective method for preventing and treating diseases in the population
Improving the effectiveness of treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases (asthma, allergies, chronic bronchitis, prevention of colds and flu), skin diseases (skin healing in eczema, furunculosis and other dermatitis), hypertension, heart disease, nervous diseases, thyroid disorders, immunity improvement. The use of environmental method of health promotion for the most pronounced positive results.
Healing atmosphere, physiotherapy with salt vapors will help to alleviate the condition and reduce the likelihood of emergency situations. Creating opportunities to provide services to the population of different age groups and settlements.
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Organization of modern art spaces “FoxArtSpace” in different districts of the city
Creating attractive recreation areas aimed at developing the creative potential of the residents of the city, region, domestic tourists and foreigners, promoting creative exchange and joint cultural events
Development and arrangement of the tourist object “Visiting V.M. Sosiura” at the municipal institution“ V.M. Sosiura Palace of Culture” of the city of Lysychansk”
Expanding national tourism and increasing international tourism through the popularization of the biography and works of the outstanding Ukrainian poet V.M. Sosiura; arrangement of the tourist object and ensuring the comprehensive development of the city of Lysychansk as a tourist center taking into account socio-economic interests of the population
Creating modern children’s multi services at 3 children’s libraries of the municipal institution “Lysychansk Centralized Library System“
Facilitating the creation of new aesthetically attractive and comfortable multifunctional hub zones for children to read, learn, and develop their creative abilities and organize their leisure time by using modern multi services at 3 children’s libraries of the municipal institution “Lysychansk Centralized Library System“
Transformation of the youth center “Druzhba” into the center of urban cultures “Youth Creates the Future” by reconstructing part of the building of the Lysychansk Municipal Enterprise“ Druzhba Cinema”
Creating an innovative and multifunctional youth space – the center of urban cultures “Youth Creates the Future” at the Lysychansk Municipal Enterprise“ Druzhba Cinema” for the consolidation and development of intellectual and creative potential of young people
Creating open family spaces “Family Unity Square”
Creating favorable conditions for communication between parents and children, establishing good relations between them, and organizing comfortable, informative, and interesting recreation for the families of the city of Lysychansk in the new open spaces “Family Unity Square” in the park areas near the palaces of culture
Reconstruction of the sports facility located at 1 Beregova str., Lysychansk, Lugansk oblast
The purpose of this project is to create a comfortable environment for the formation of a healthy population of the city and support the activities of the institution of children’s and youth and reserve sports
Reconstruction of the sports complex “Shakhtar Stadium” located at 199 Sosiura str., Lysychansk, Luhansk oblast
The purpose of this project is to create a comfortable environment for the formation of a healthy population of the city and support the activities of the institution of children’s and youth and reserve sports
Creating an alternative educational laboratory at the KZ “Educational Complex– I-II Grades School–Lyceum “Garant” of the Lysychansk City Council of Luhansk Oblast”
Solving the problem of providing equal access to quality education for children from the temporarily uncontrolled areas of Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts, who receive distance or family (home) education, as well as for children with special educational needs and all categories of applicants for distance and blended learning
Not required
Modernization of the gym, a health-preserving space for pupils of the KZ “LSSh of I-III Grades, No. 27”, an experimental educational institution of the regional level as a “School for Health Promotion”
Creating a safe and comfortable sanitary and hygienic environment for sports and physical education activities; development of sports talent of children and adolescents; prioritizing healthy lifestyles; improving the system of preventive work with children and adolescents to form moral guidelines for healthy lifestyles; attracting the attention of pupils and the public to the current problems of the city and school
“SPORT-TAK” at the municipal institution “Lysychansk Educational Complex – General Education School of І-ІІІ Grades– Preschool Educational Institution “Barvinok” of the Lysychansk City Council of Luhansk Oblast”
Creating a modern sports ground on the territory of the school, providing optimal conditions for the organization of the educational process, sports, and mass work, and improving the implementation of tasks under the requirements of the State Standard of Basic and Complete General Secondary Education
Composting green waste in the city of Lysychansk
Composting of fallen leaves, branches, and cut grass in Lysychansk for conversion of organic waste for further feeding of plants in the city
Purchasing a bulldozer for municipal solid waste landfill
Extending the life of the existing solid waste landfill, preventing its overfilling, upgrading the technical base of the Lysychansk 032806 KATP by the provision of the vehicle fleet with a modern bulldozer designed to work at the landfill
Purchasing digital weighing scale for the solid waste landfill
Improving and increasing the efficiency of the solid waste management system in Lysychansk, in particular, improving the technology of waste disposal at the landfill
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Creating comfortable conditions for children to stay in the KNDZ “Nadezhda” (nursery and kindergarten)
Meeting the needs of children in comfortable kindergarten environment
Creating an Optical Internet Zone
Meeting the needs of the population in access to the Internet
Creating of a modern children’s play space in the park “Kazka”
Meeting the needs of children in the organization of modern leisure
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Creating 2 security centers in the Milove Town Territorial Community
Creating a safe living environment for the community, improving personal and community safety through integrated emergency response services (police, fire and life saving services, and emergency medical care)
Creating a studio for teaching art
Creating conditions for the development and self-realization of creative individuals by their introducing to the beauty
Improving the tourist attractiveness of the town of Milove by installing a sign with the distances to the largest centers of Europe and the world
Meeting the cultural and tourist needs of residents and guests of the town of Milove in visiting interesting urban sites
Creating information locations in crowded public areas in the town of Milove (central crossroads, squares, banks, institutions, etc.) by installing round poster pillars to disseminate information about the activities of local authorities, as well as to place public announcements and advertisements
Meeting the information needs of residents and enterprises, informing about the work of local authorities
The Allergy-Free Clean Air Programme for replacing poplar plantations
The project provides for the elimination of a source of allergies in the town, such as poplars, without harming the ecological state of the environment by eliminating poplars and old trees, their replacing with young non-allergenic species to improve the microclimate of the town and provide an appropriate level of landscaping of public areas by increasing green plantings by 30%
Creating a workout of an outdoor educational complex in the community
Arrangement of a sports ground in the park of the town of Milove with workout equipment to popularize healthy lifestyles and involve as many children, youth, and adults into sports activities in the community as possible
Providing unhindered access to the Internet to residents and young people in rural settlements of the community at recreation sites and crowded public areas by organizing open and free Wi-Fi spaces
Creating a Club for Tourism, Local Lore, and Excursions for Young Students in the municipal institution “Milove Center of Out-of-School Work”
Fostering patriotism, love for the Motherland, acquiring knowledge about the history of the native land; enabling the pupils for participation in tourist and local history, military and patriotic, health educational, and other institutions
Top best locations for making photos in the community
Popularizing the Milove TC by creating interesting locations for making photos and creating a website with a map of these locations, stories of creation, and examples of the visitors’ photos
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Capital repairs of the Municipal Institution of Preschool Education “Dzvinochok” (kindergarten) of the Nyzhnia Duvanka Town Council of Svativ district of Luhansk oblast
Improving conditions for modern, accessible, and high-quality preschool education in accordance with the requirements of the society, the needs of the individual, and those of the state
Capital repairs of the Nyzhnia Duvanka House of Culture in the town of Nyzhnia Duvanka
Ensuring the amount of cultural services guaranteed by the state for every citizen of Ukraine and the development of the arts and cultural sector of the territorial community
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Construction of a solar power plant
Construction of a solar power plant to provide electricity to municipal buildings. This project proposes a technical solution to reduce electricity consumption from the grid by installing a solar power plant.
Technical re-equipment of hot water supply systems by installing solar collectors in educational institutions
Installation of 26 solar collectors for water heating
The authorities’ open-minded approach to the community. Transparent and open-minded activities of the Novopskov Town Council by introducing a system of electronic roll-call voting
Implementation of an electronic roll call voting system, which will simplify the voting procedure, ensure automatic generation of electronic protocols of voting results, integration with external council websites for quick downloading and publication of documents and voting results, its transparency, environmental friendliness and savings due to electronic document management and reduced use of paper. Acquiring equipment for broadcasting online sessions of the NovopskovTown Council
Commercial proposal
Promoting the tourism potential of the Novopskov Town Territorial Community
Acquisition of a quadcopter for video filming, which will provide the opportunity to promote the Novopskov TC by creating video clips about the community
Development of a tourist guide map of the community
Creating an online platform that will contain information about festivals and attractions of the Novopskov Town Territorial Community
Solar Tree
The project envisages the installation of an artificial tree (metal frame) with solar panels for free charging phones and providing access to Wi-Fi in the park of culture and recreation "Aidar”
Creating conditions for raising awareness among the residents of the Novopskov Town Territorial Community
The project provides for the installation of running letters in the building of the Novopskov Town Council, as well as round poster pillars in crowded public areas
Landscape Garden: from Idea to Implementation
Updating the interior and exterior landscaping of educational institutions using modern landscape design technologies to ensure sanitary and environmental requirements and create a comfortable landscape area for the implementation of environmental and moral education of the younger generation
School forestry “Lisove Mistechko”
Creating and organizing a school forestry unit as an effective form of environmental education, holding environmental events on planting trees and shrubs in the Novopskov Town Territorial Community, and organizing educational work on nature management issues (publication of informational leaflets)
The School is Empowering
Revealing ways of making positive changes in educational institutions in accordance with inclusive values and promoting ideas of tolerance for oneself and others
From the Ecology of Nature to the Ecology of the Soul
Formation of environmental self-awareness of schoolchildren; facilitating the formation and development of the creative abilities of schoolchildren including a sense of kindness, love, and careful attitude to the nature of their native land; upbringing of conscientious citizens who are able to improve the environmental condition of the community
Energy Saving: the Way to the Future
Ensuring the efficiency of energy saving in educational institutions by creating a system for monitoring power consumption in schools; using energy-saving lamps and conducting educational work with pupils of general secondary education on energy saving issues
Phyto dish “Zaaidarivskyi Borsch”
The project is supposed to popularize a phyto dish “Zaaidarivskyi Borsch”, which recipe is passed down from one generation to another and will increase the tourist attractiveness of the Novopskov Town Territorial Community.
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Creating an information and telecommunication automated system “Safe City” on the territory of the Svatove City Council of Luhansk oblast
Creating an information and telecommunication automated system “Safe City” to organize and create conditions to improve public and personal safety for the residents of the city of Svatove
Introduction and distribution of information and communication technologies in the work of preschool educational institutions
Improving the quality of education by the creation of an information and education environment and the intensive introduction of innovative and communication technologies in the educational process of preschool educational institutions
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Reconstruction of the kindergarten “Zirochka”
Implementation of measures for thermal rehabilitation of the building and arrangement of the food unit according to modern standards
Total building renovation to provide housing for IDPs (four-storey two-entrance building)
Reconstruction of a dormitory (located at10 Haharina str., Shchastia city), which is in the communal property of the Schastia TC, for temporary use of internally displaced persons
Reconstruction of the stadium “Enerhia”
Creating conditions for the development of sports by the reconstruction of the city stadium: football field, mini football field, treadmills, jumping pit, office building, and landscaping
Reconstruction of the polyclinic KNP “Shchastia City Hospital” of the Novoaidar District Council of Luhansk oblast
Creating conditions for receiving medical care by the reconstruction of the polyclinic building
Implementation of the city energy saving programme, installation of mini-boilers for institutions, and energy audit
The housing stock was damaged during the military activities (the outer walls were damaged and loose heat). Heating networks are outdated and need to be replaced.
Creating a security system: analytical video surveillance, smart city
The EECP is located in the city, and there is an additional need to install 12 analytical surveillance cameras
Creating a modern sports ground in the school yard
Creating conditions for physical education and sports for pupils of the K. Kutovyi І-ІІІ Grades Secondary School No. 1 of the city of Shchastia and all residents of the city, promoting healthy lifestyles, preventing bad habits, and creating a modern space for sports activities with the involvement of community residents
No (geodetic documentation is available)
Creating a modern gym in the K. Kutovyi І-ІІІ Grades Secondary School No. 1 of the city of Shchastia
Creating a modern, attractive, and perfect space for physical education classes, physical training and sports, and sports events for the community residents to promote healthy lifestyles and prevent bad habits
Creating a food unit and a dining room
Improving learning conditions and preserving the health of pupils and workers of the K. Kutovyi І-ІІІ Grades Secondary School No. 1 of the city of Shchastia
Creating a modern inclusive resource space
Creating conditions for comfortable and quality education and development of children with special educational needs in the K. Kutovyi І-ІІІ Grades Secondary School No. 1 of the city of Shchastia
Creating an irrigation system in the schoolyard
Improving the environmental situation in the city of Shchastia by irrigating the area on the main street of the city and the implementation of green spaces
Creating a modern complex “Sportyvne Mistechko” on the territory of the Shchastia Secondary School No. 2
Construction of a rock climbing wall, rope park, hockey field, and bicycle track to encourage city residents to play sports, promote healthy lifestyles, prevent crime, and bring the community together
Implementation of the Interactive Floor System in the community educational institution
Creating the latest learning tool for pupils to develop their intellectual and creative potential
Creating a computer lab “Smart Room”
The equipment of a modern computer lab will allow realizing the needs of pupils and teachers to create a new system of learning and personal development, get new impressions of education, and help pupils find their rightful place in today’s digital world.
Affordable Education System
Introduction of an electronic document management system (journals, diaries, etc.) to provide quality educational services to the pupils from non-government controlled areas of Ukraine, pupils who for various reasons have shifted to family education, pupils with special educational needs, pupils who are temporarily unable to attend an educational institution for health reasons, as well as to ensure quality distance education during the quarantine
Comfort School
Improving the material and technical base of the school (major repairs to toilets, partial replacement of furniture in corridors and recreational areas, and the purchase of air conditioning) in order to create comfortable and safe conditions for teaching and educating children
Creating a creative studio “Junior Place”
Створення творчої студії для дітей (придбання апаратури для постановки вистав, фото-, відеозйомки, монтажу, трансляції тощо) з метою згуртування шкільної спільноти, розвитку творчих здібностей учнів, налагодження спільної роботи учнів та інших мешканців громади
Creating an interactive shooting gallery
Implementation of the principles of patriotic education of pupils and cooperation with military units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
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Forming an effective relationships between government and residents in the Krasnorichenske TC by creating a Public Education Platform
Teaching community residents the basics of computer literacy, providing new knowledge and skills of digital and media literacy, working with Internet resources, e-mail correspondence, and documents; receiving electronic certificates by creating a Public Education Platform at the Krasnorichenske House of Culture; strengthening the ability of community residents to actively participate in solving community problems as a result of training; developing the ability of initiative citizens to use online services to find the necessary information regarding the processes of preparing and making decisions, their implementation, receiving feedback from local authorities, as well as to expand one’s own capabilities that will ensure the sustainable community development
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Creating a Citizen Security Center in the Lozno-Oleksandrivka Territorial Community
Ensuring an adequate level of safety of the population, protection of economic entities and community territories through the comprehensive provision of emergency response services
Construction of a complex playground with an artificial turf for competitive sports on the territory of the Lozno-Oleksandrivka Territorial Community
Ensuring equal access and proper conditions for the sports and recreational process for different social groups of the population, forming the skills of healthy lifestyles, and planning organized leisure activities for the younger generation
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Creating conditions for sport fishing on the Vodne Lake of the Rubizhne Territorial Community of Luhansk oblast
Organizing active recreation for the residents of the Rubizhne TC by creating conditions for sport fishing, competitions, and interregional cooperation in sports
Construction of solar panels (batteries) at social facilities
Introducing energy efficiency and energy saving measures, reducing the energy costs of social institutions, and decreasing the burden on the municipal budget
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PEDESTRIAN CROSSING: a safe and comfortable space for children and people with disabilities
Reducing social risks for the participation of children and less mobile populations in traffic accidents in the city
Energy-efficient modernization of the street lighting network
Improving the quality of the city outdoor lighting and, most importantly, reducing the costs of maintenance and payment for the electricity consumed; achieving a significant economic effect by replacing existing luminaries with more modern and efficient LEDs
Yes (to be adjusted)
Creating a modern integrated system of solid waste management
The aim of the project development and implementation is to reduce the harmful impact of solid waste on the environment, improve the sanitary conditions of the settlements of Starobilsk district, and improve the living conditions of the residents.
The main objective of the project is to build a waste sorting line and a complex for processing plastic into paving slabs.
Safe City
The aim of the project is to enhance public safety, protect strategic facilities and life support objects of the city, and road safety with the installation of modern systems capable of intelligent image processing and environmental monitoring.
Development and improvement of the urban ecological park in the area of the hydropathical clinic
The territory of the so-called “Sherwood”, which has been heavily littered over the past ten years, should be cleaned up and turned into a regular city park with adequate infrastructure: lighting, walkways, playgrounds, sports fields, organized beaches, etc.
Installation of benches with solar panels and Wi-Fi
Benches with solar panels will give citizens the opportunity not only to relax, but also to charge their gadgets and always be in touch.
Creating a heritage center as a center for tourism development
As a result of the project, it is expected to increase revenues of tourist tax to the city budget due to the increased flow of tourists in 4 times. It will also lead to an increase in revenues of businesses in the tourism and related industries, and job creation. The social impact contributes to the employment and development of local infrastructure and growth of living standards of the local population, acts as an effective method for protecting nature and cultural heritage, and contributes to the revival of folk traditions.
Within the framework of this project, a new institution KZ “Tourist Information Center of the City of Starobilsk" will be created.
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Creating a network of bicycle tracks in the city of Zolote of Luhansk oblast
Creating an infrastructure to meet the needs of community residents in active sports (cycling, roller-blading, nordic walking, and moving around the city)
A Clean City is a Clean Community (town Zolote)
Acquisition of equipment for recycling plastic waste to produce paving flagstones, curbs, and sewer manholes. The project provides for the creation of an environmentally safe space: collecting, recycling, and constructing sidewalks in the city