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та конференції за кордоном


The 7th International Trade Show for Hotels, Restaurants, Catering, Food & Hospitality Services HORECA JORDAN

We are proud to announce the Seventh Edition of HORECA JORDAN which will attract more visitors especially from regional countries and will be the largest exhibition for the Hospitality and Food & Beverages Service industry in the area. It will take place on the 7 - 9 December, 2021 at Amman/Jordan. The annual exhibition will cover: food & beverage services and hospitality sectors from Jordan and the region, including Palestine, Iraq and Egypt. Various other regional and international countries will be present with large pavilions. Business networking opportunities will be supplemented with different attractions, awards, and competitions, availing participants with exposure to new and innovative business ideas. International & Business Delegations will be part of this unique even. www.horeca-jordan.com sales@horeca-jordan.com T: +962-6-4642501,2,3 F: +962-6-4642506

Коли: 07.12.2021-09.12.2021 Де : www.horeca-jordan.com подивитись на мапі

9-а Міжнародна сільськогосподарська виставка “Qatar International Agricultural Exhibition” (AgriteQ-2022)

За інформацією Міністерства закордонних справ Держави Катар, у період з 22 по 26 березня 2022 року в м. Доха пройде 9-а Міжнародна сільськогосподарська виставка “Qatar International Agricultural Exhibition” (AgriteQ-2022). Одночасно з “AgriteQ-2022” організаторами заплановано провести 3-у Міжнародну виставку з навколишнього середовища “Qatar International Environmental Exhibition” (EnviroteQ-2022). До участі у зазначених заходах запрошуються провідні спеціалізовані міжнародні та місцеві компанії, що працюють у сферах сільського господарства, зрошування, тваринництва, рибальства, захисту навколишнього середовища та займаються постачанням різного виду новітніх технологій у цих галузях. Додаткову інформацію стосовно умов участі, порядку оформлення необхідних документів та координації дій можна отримати від організаторів: Контактна особа: Пані Гіфа Аль Отейбі тел.: +97 433 787 813 e-mail: halotaibi@mme.gov.qa

Коли: 22.03.2022-26.03.2022 Де : https://agriteq.com/en/about-the-exhibition/ перейти до перегляду

Gerontech and Innovation Expo Cun Sumsuit

Jointly hosted by the HKSAR Government and the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, and co-organised with the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, the Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit (GIES), is the largest gerontechnology public education event in Hong Kong. Since GIES was launched in 2017, it has solicited support and aroused attention from different parties. Not only the general public can explore and learn about various gerontechnology and solutions in GIES, the elderly and rehabilitation service sector is also mobilized and has become more willing to adopt gerontech. It also facilitates the development of several pilot services and projects. Besides, GIES provides a platform drawing together stakeholders to engage in dialogue and collaboration for border adoption of gerontech. It further helps to drive policy changes as well as societal and economic developments in Hong Kong for meeting the challenge brought about by population ageing and disability.

Коли: 03.11.2021-16.11.2021 Де : https://gies.hk/tc/index.php подивитись на мапі


The conference will be held remotely. If conditions permit, a few round tables will be organised in Paris.

Коли: 01.06.2021-02.06.2021 Де : https://foruminnov21.univ-littoral.fr/en/presentation/ подивитись на мапі

Research & Innovation Forum 2021

The Research and Innovation Forum (Rii Forum) is an annual conference that brings together researchers, academics, and practitioners in conceptually sound inter- and multi-disciplinary, empirically driven debate on key issues influencing the dynamics of social interaction today. Technology, innovation, and education define the rationale behind the Rii Forum and are at the heart of all discussions held during the conference. The Covid-19 pandemic and its social, political, and economic implications have confirmed that a more thorough debate on these issues and topics is needed, and Rii Forum 2021 will be devoted to this end.

Коли: 07.04.2021-09.04.2021 Де : https://rii-forum.org/ подивитись на мапі

The Future of Climate Action Innovation Forum

This conference will deep dive into what net zero really means for company supply chains and business transformation. We’ll assess leading practices and solutions, whilst placing an emphasis on what is practical and realistic for business to achieve results at scale. Over the three days, we’ll discuss the practical steps to deliver on tough Scope 3 climate targets through innovation, circular systems and natural climate solutions. The focus throughout will remain on how to shift mindsets from ‘less harm’ to ‘more good’.

Коли: 25.05.2021-27.05.2021 Де : https://www.innovationforum.co.uk/conferences/climate-action подивитись на мапі