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My Luhansk oblast
Luhansk region is friendly, diverse, MINE.

From ancient times, Luhansk region has given shelter to free, hard-working and strong-minded people who created their new life in the endless steppes under the golden burning sun: their communities, with their farms and original customs.
Luhansk region has become a home for all those who sought freedom: freedom to create, freedom to work, freedom to speak.
The armed conflict of recent years has destroyed not only infrastructure but also old customs, allowing every resident of the region to rethink their lives, determine their role and place in the reconstruction of the country.
Luhansk region is united by one thing - people who have gathered internal forces and resources, restore a peaceful life, support each other, remaining friendly, sincere and open to all those who seek freedom: freedom to work, create, talk.
It is these features of Luhansk region that are reflected in the new modern design. In order for our region to be recognizable and presented in a single style anywhere - in any part of the world, an identity was created - the brand "My Luhansk Region". This is the visual face of our region, which once again emphasizes the diversity, modernity and openness of the Luhansk land. We suggest you get acquainted with it more closely.
Guide to using the Luhansk Region Brand
The manual provides detailed examples and instructions for using the brand of Luhansk region. Namely: logo, fonts, graphic compositions and additional graphic elements. As well as examples of the brand on various media and in printing. We sincerely advise you to use the tips of this guide so that our region can be recognized anywhere.

This guide has been developed with the financial support of the governments of Sweden and Switzerland for the production of branded materials according to a single standard that meets the style of Luhansk region.

Features of the brand of Luhansk region
The logo consists of the name and circles that symbolize the Social Circles of the region, and later the territorial communities. When checking the correctness of the logo image, pay attention to individual features that must be clearly observed.
Our Logo is a very valuable asset. We must treat him very carefully. The logo can only be used in the form of approved and presented in the brand book variants.
On this page you can download separately the main version of the logo & laquo; My Luhansk region & raquo; in multiple formats:

Luhansk logo my eps file
ЗавантажитиAdditional graphics
In order to make the brand of Luhansk region more attractive and diverse, we have developed additional graphic elements that embody the main symbols of the natural and economic diversity of the region. You can take a closer look at them in the brand book, or download additional graphic elements to your computer.