History of cooperation
Recognition of Ukraine: December 5, 1991.
Establishment of diplomatic relations: January 6, 1992.
Argentina was the first Latin American country to recognize Ukraine's independence.
Argentina abstained in the vote on the UN General Assembly resolution № 68/262 of 27 March 2014 «Territorial Integrity of Ukraine». The country also abstained in the vote on the resolutions adopted in support of Ukraine by the UN Human Rights Council (2014) and UNESCO (2014 and 2015).
The Parliamentary Group of Friendship with Ukraine has been working in the Chamber of Deputies of the Congress of the Argentine Nation since 2014.
The main groups of export goods: fertilizers, ferrous metals, machines.
The main groups of import goods: fish and crustaceans, edible fruits and nuts, seeds and oil crops, tobacco and industrial tobacco substitutes.
Cultural and humanitarian cooperation
Ukrainian singers, musicians and ballet dancers take part in cultural events held in Argentina.
The capitals of Ukraine and Argentina are twin cities.
Peculiarities of the country
1. Argentinians don’t take off their shoes when they come home. Lying on the sofa or on the bed with shoes on is a usual thing here, although not all streets in Argentina cities are clean.
2. When an Argentinian turns a finger to his temple during a conversation, it means that he is thinking over the interlocutor’s words, rather than questioning his mental health.
3. Argentina does not deport anyone, even those who violate visa regulations and stay in the country illegally. There is simply no deportation law.
Useful information
Embassy of Ukraine in the Argentine Republic
Address: Olieros 2169, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Phone number: +54 11 4775 3476
Consular office: +54 11 4773 6137
E-mail: emb_ar@mfa.gov.ua
Work Schedule: Monday - Thursday 08:30-17:30, Friday 08:30-16:15
Embassy of the Argentine Republic in Ukraine
Address: Ivana Fedorova 12, piso 6, Kyiv
Postal code: 01901
Phone number: +38044 238 6922
Fax: +38044 2386922
Web: https://eucra.cancilleria.gob.ar/uk