Higher educational institutions: scientific activity
Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University

Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University
PORKUYAN Olga Viktorivna
вул. Іоанна Павла ІІ, 17, м. Київ, 01042, Україна
Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University
Currently, the University includes 4 institutes (Institute of Economics and Management, Educational and Scientific Institute of International Relations, Educational and Scientific Institute of Transport and Logistics, and Institute of Chemical Technologies) and 4 faculties
(information technology and electronics, humanities, psychology and pedagogy, law, and engineering).
Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University is one of the leaders in inventive activities in eastern Ukraine. This area has a good tradition at the University, which dates back to the 70s of the last century.
The University currently has 175 patents from the United States, Germany, France, Canada, and China and other countries, as well as more than 2,300 Ukrainian patents for inventions and utility models.
According to the Ukrainian Intellectual Property Institute (Ukrpatent), the University is among the leaders in the number of patents received in Ukraine (as of February 1, 2019).
The University annually participated in the All-Ukrainian competition “Invention of the Year” and won in various nominations, both at the national and regional levels.
Postgraduate students are trained in the following areas: accounting and taxation; economics; management; education sciences; history and archaeology; philosophy; cultural studies; political science; psychology; sociology; law; computer science and information technology; cyber security; applied mechanics; automation and computer integrated technologies; chemical technologies; engineering, etc.
Main areas of research activities:
- Mathematical analysis and differential equation theory
- Physics and electronics
- Modern computer and information technologies
- Transport technologies and logistics
- Automobile and railway transport
- Mechanical engineering
- Industrial and environmental safety in industry and engineering
- Occupational health and safety
- High performance chemical technologies and materials
- Modern economic paradigm
- Tax regulation of the national economy and financial activities of enterprises
- Philosophy of culture and modern strategies of humanitarian knowledge
- Spiritual development of personality
- Social psychology and gender relations
- Legal regulation of labor and social security
- History of Ukraine and social history