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Cooperation in the military sphere

NATO-Ukraine military cooperation is ongoing in accordance with the requirements of the Annual National Cooperation Program Ukraine - NATO and the Work Plan of the Military Committee Ukraine - NATO for the current year.
It includes four main areas, namely:
- increase the level of operational capabilities and interoperability Armed Forces of Ukraine with NATO;
- cooperation on transformation, defense reform and professionalization of the Armed Forces of Ukraine;
- ensuring the participation of units and personnel of the Armed Forces Ukraine in peacekeeping and security operations and the Response Force NATO;
- application of mechanisms of military cooperation, consultations and interaction, public awareness activities.
Since 2004, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been participating in the Concept Operational Capability Concept. This Concept created to increase the level of interoperability between units Partner countries participating in NATO's Partnership for peace ”, and NATO member states, strengthening their operational capabilities due to the use in training and combat operations of the standards of the leading armies countries.
A number of divisions have been declared to participate in this project Of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, trained according to the standards of the Alliance and make an appropriate assessment. This allows such units to take participate in NATO-led exercises and operations; operational duty as part of multinational military formations high readiness (led by NATO, EU, UN).
Since 2008, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been participating in the Program NATO Air Situation Data Exchange Program). The program was launched in 2001 with the aim of collaborating in areas of combating manifestations of air terrorism.
Participation in the program allows the exchange of air data the situation in the western and southern regions over the territories of Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Turkey, Hungary and Ukraine, as well as over waters of the Black Sea. Data exchange is carried out in the automated mode through contact points for receiving and transmitting information in the cities of Lviv and Odessa (Ukraine), as well as Veszprém (Hungary) and Erzurum (Turkey).
In 2012, the Armed Forces of Ukraine joined the United Initiative forces (Connected Forces Initiative).
The main goal of this initiative is to improve interoperability and enhancing the ability of Allied forces and partners to work together performing tasks in multinational operations.
Key elements of the Joint Forces Initiative:
- enhanced training of troops (forces) and individual training of personnel composition with the most effective use of training NATO institutions and centers of excellence;
- increase in the number of military exercises, especially with the participation of the NRC;
- more efficient use of modern technology to facilitate achieving interoperability and integration of necessary capabilities.
In 2014, the Armed Forces of Ukraine joined the Initiative Partnership Interoperability Initiative. Initiative was initiated to preserve and further develop the operating room interoperability of NATO member states and partners after the operation Alliance in Afghanistan.
The initiative provides assistance for development, diversification, and also increasing the list of partner forces and tools that are certified and ready to participate in operations led by the Alliance and the NRC. Achievement interoperability partners with NATO in the framework of this initiative carried out in three dimensions: technical, operational and doctrinal interoperability.
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