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Ukraine-NATO Special Partnership

Fundamental documents that continue to define the relationship between Ukraine and NATO at the present stage, there is a Charter of Special partnership between Ukraine and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Agreement (July 9, 1997) and Declaration Supplementing the Charter on a Special Partnership (August 21, 2009).
On December 23, 2014, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a decision on Ukraine's refusal of non-aligned status, which proved ineffective in in the context of protecting the state from external aggression and pressure.
On February 26, 2016, the President of Ukraine signed the Law “On ratification of the Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Organization The North Atlantic Treaty Organization on the Status of the NATO Mission in Ukraine, ”according to which the NATO Information and Documentation Center merges with the NATO Liaison Office into a single diplomatic mission. This is the first such case in NATO history.
In the Recommendations of the parliamentary hearings on the topic: “Current issues of Foreign Policy of Ukraine ”, which took place on December 7, 2016, determined the expediency of intensifying the legislative process aimed at implementing Ukraine’s strategic course towards NATO and EU membership.
On July 6, 2017, President Petro Poroshenko signed the Law of Ukraine "On amendments to some laws of Ukraine on foreign policy course of Ukraine ". The law (Reg. № 6470) was adopted by the Verkhovna Rada Of Ukraine on June 8, 2017. "For" the relevant decision at the meeting 276 people's deputies voted.
The law amends the Laws of Ukraine "On the basis of national Security of Ukraine ”and“ On the Principles of Domestic and Foreign Policy ”in the Part of Euro-Atlantic Integration.
One of the priorities of Ukraine's national interests has been identified integration into the Euro-Atlantic security area with a view to becoming a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
І. Political dialogue.
Ukraine's political dialogue with the Alliance is ensured through bilateral contacts at all levels, including inter-parliamentary measurement. The leading role in deepening this dialogue is played by the NATO-Ukraine Commission (NATO), established in 1997 to implement the provisions of the Charter on Special partnership. It meets at least twice a year. In addition, The KUN may be convened at the request of Ukraine on the basis of Article 15 of the Charter and Article 8 Framework Document "Partnership for Peace", if Ukraine will feel direct threat to its territorial integrity, political independence or security.
In an environment of military intervention, political and economic pressure by the Russian Federation, the temporary occupation of Crimea and the "hybrid" war against Ukraine on Donbass, an intense political between Ukraine and the Alliance became prerequisite for obtaining logistical support for strengthening its defense capabilities and ability to defend itself. This assistance was provided to implement the decisions of the NATO Welsh Summit (September 2014) for meeting the urgent needs of Ukraine, as well as in strategic terms. Total the Allies provided logistics in the amount of about 100 million dollars USA.
On March 8, 2016, a special meeting was held in Brussels NATO-Ukraine Commission at the level of Permanent Representatives with the participation of the Minister defense of Ukraine ST Poltorak. During this event, the Minister in detail acquainted the audience with the content of defense reform, the stages of which will be reflected in the Strategic Defense Bulletin of Ukraine (SOB). It was the time intervals and final results of the reform are given and it is emphasized that The expected result of defense reform should be balanced by the scope of tasks and the number of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff, an effective Armed Forces capable of conducting operations as far as possible scenarios for countering threats in the military sphere.
There is a commission for coordination of Ukraine's cooperation with NATO permanent body of coordination, monitoring of effective implementation tasks to advance the country on the path to NATO membership, implementation NATO procedures and standards. It organizes control over use resources of Trust Funds, other international technical and humanitarian assistance by ministries and departments, for implementation domestic and international reporting, and directs activities of joint NATO-Ukraine working groups and interdepartmental working groups group.
The Commission is composed of national coordinators Ukraine's cooperation with NATO at the level of first deputies or deputies heads of departments in the fields of foreign policy, defense and military sphere, resource (financial) support, information security and counter-terrorism, reform of the security and defense sector of Ukraine, y legal sphere, sphere of science, emergencies, strategic communications., / p>
ІІ. Annual national programs under the auspices of the NATO-Ukraine Commission.
A key system document for the development of cooperation with NATO and An important tool for implementing reforms in Ukraine with the support of the Alliance is Annual national programs under the auspices of the NATO-Ukraine Commission (NATO), which developed since 2009. The ANP is approved by the President of Ukraine. To implementation of the ANP involves central executive bodies, other state authorities, non-governmental organizations.
On December 7, 2016, President Petro Poroshenko signed the Decree №547 / 2016 “On annual national programs under the auspices of the Commission Ukraine - NATO ”, which introduces a new procedure for the development of the ANP and evaluation of the results of their implementation. In particular, the document establishes clear and detailed norms and requirements for the content, procedure for preparation and evaluation implementation of annual national programs of Ukraine's cooperation with NATO. CMU is instructed to ensure the development of ANP projects for the relevant year, as well as to coordinate the activities of central executive bodies and other state bodies for the implementation of the ANP.
Under the current conditions of aggression, temporary occupation, as well as the Russian Federation the so-called "hybrid war" against Ukraine, the interaction of our country with NATO submits primarily to the needs of maximum strengthening defense capabilities of the Ukrainian state and reforming its Armed Forces. Efforts will be made to bring Ukraine closer to standards NATO, which will allow our country to meet the criteria in the future, necessary for NATO membership.
The document identifies promising areas of work in the economy, education, training of civilian personnel in the security sector and Defense of Ukraine, in the energy sector, in response to emergencies situations, the fight against corruption, terrorism, and includes tasks aimed at intensifying cooperation with international and regional organizations.
ІІІ. Practical Ukraine-NATO cooperation.
For the development of practical cooperation under the auspices of the KUN created and There are five joint NATO-Ukraine (AWG) working groups: on military issues reforms (AWG VR); defense and technical cooperation (SRGO); economic security; emergency planning civil nature (AWG PNS); on cooperation in science and environment (SRG NOD).
The main platform on which Ukraine interacts with NATO in the field of defense, there is a Joint Ukraine-NATO Working Group on Military Affairs reforms. The main purpose of the AWG of the Verkhovna Rada is to promote support military-political dialogue and ensuring practical cooperation Ukraine with the Alliance in the field of security and defense.
NATO member countries have provided extensive logistical support assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and humanitarian assistance to the population affected by actions of Russia in the Crimea and pro-Russian terrorists in the East of our state. IN individual NATO member countries and Allies (Israel) medical rehabilitation of Ukrainian servicemen wounded in the course anti-terrorist operation. A project aimed at re-equipment of pyrotechnic looted by terrorist groups SES and MIA units in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, the project on development of the minimum national is started capabilities of Ukraine in the field of telemedicine. Between Kyiv and the corresponding ones NATO structures have established secure communications.
IV. Ukraine's participation in NATO missions.
The participation of the Ukrainian contingent (engineering unit) continues numbering 40 servicemen and 18 units of automobile and special equipment) in an operation as part of the NATO Multinational Force Kosovo (KFOR) and national personnel (10 troops) on the mission NATO's Strong Support in Afghanistan.
The participation of the allocated forces and means of the Armed Forces in naval operations has been completed NATO's Ocean Shield and Active Endeavor.
Ukraine's participation in the NATO operation "Active Efforts" is carried out, with taking into account the acquisition by the National Contact Point of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (Odessa) of full operational capabilities, by monitoring the surface situation in the water area Black Sea and exchange of information with the headquarters of the operation (headquarters NATO Naval Command Northwood).
On March 30, 2015, the President of Ukraine signed the Presidential Decree Of Ukraine № 185/2015 “On sending national staff to participate Of Ukraine in the NATO Training and Advisory Mission "Strong Support" in Islamic Republic of Afghanistan ", according to which national personnel are sent (from the number of servicemen and employees of the Armed Forces) with a total number of up to 30 people.
On April 7, 2015, an Agreement was concluded with NATO (in the form of an exchange of letters) on UNP's participation in the NATO Training and Advisory Mission "Strong Support" and financial conditions.
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